
The Art and Science of Negotiation >> Content Detail



This course requires completion of three problem sets and participation in a series of sixteen negotiation exercises.

Problem Sets

Problem Set 1 (PDF)

Problem Set 2 (PDF)

Problem Set 3 (PDF)

Negotiation Exercises

Throughout the course you will participate in role-playing negotiation exercises. You will be assigned a role, partnered with one or more other students, given a case with instructions and confidential information, and asked to prepare and negotiate. When cases are handed out ahead of time, you should come to class prepared to negotiate. In general, we will have a greater range of experience to draw on and a richer discussion if you prepare individually, rather than with a partner or in a study group. Think of it as contributing to a bigger sample for our collective research project and controlling cross-case influences. As a group, you are dependent on each other to suspend disbelief and animate the exercises vividly and plausibly and provide a rich base of experience for us to draw on. Abstracts of scenarios from the Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation Clearinghouse are provided below.

Negotiation Exercise Instructions (PDF)


Appleton vs. Baker (PDF)

Elmtree House

Malta Bargain with Great Britain

Patriot, Parts A and B

Sally Soprano (PDF)

Table Talk

HackerStar (PDF)

Redstone (PDF)

The Vineyard

Theotis Wiley (PDF)

Re-engineering Game

Zabian Game

Weathers and Evans (PDF)

Intersoft Argentina, Parts A and B

Three-party Coalition Exercise (PDF)

Harborco (PDF)


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