
Comparative Land Use and Transportation Planning >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

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A selection of notes from the course lectures is included below. All work is courtesy of the lecturer named and used with permission.

SES #Topics
1Comparative Land Use and Transportation Planning?

Course Overview, Objectives, Expectations, Logistics, Student Interests, Basic Course Framework, Why Comparative Land Use and Transportation Planning?
Part I: Understanding the Metropolitan-"izing" World
2Metropolitan-ization Forces, Patterns and Trends, Concerns (PDF)
3"Models" of the Metropolis (PDF)
4"Regional Architectures": Institutions of the Metropolis (PDF)
Part II: The Basics of Activities and Travel
5Accessibility: The Land Use-Transportation Link (PDF - 1.4 MB)#
6Basics of Travel Demand: Persons and Firms (PDF)
Part III: The Influence of Land Use on Mobility and Accessibility
7Mobility/Accessibility = f (Land Use): Something New?
8Mobility/Accessibility = f (Land Use): Conceptualizing the Effects
9Mobility/Accessibility = f (Land Use): Analytical Approaches
10Mobility/Accessibility = f (Land Use): A Matter of Scale
11Measuring Urban Form and Urban Design
12Implications for Planning Policies and Tools
13Financial Instruments (PDF)
Part IV: The Influence of Transportation on Land Use
14Transportation and Metropolitan Growth: History of Effects
15Public Transportation and Metropolitan Growth
16Public Transportation and Metropolitan Growth: Case Studies in Integration
17Passaic Studio Presentation
18Roadways and Metropolitan Growth
19Roadways and Metropolitan Growth: São Paulo Case

Guest Speaker: Ciro Biderman
20Transportation and Metropolitan Growth: Financial Instruments
21Transportation Networks and Travel Behavior
Part V: Metropolitan Futures
22Pulling It All Together: Land Use, Mobility, Accessibility

Guest Speaker: Chris Porter, Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
23Back to the Future? Land Use Mobility, Accessibility in Metropolitan China (PDF)
24The Future of the Metropolis: Theoretical Speculations (PDF)
25The Future of the Metropolis: Tools and Models (PDF - 9.1 MB)

Guest Speaker: Mikel Murga
26Student Presentations


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