
Introduction to Housing, Community and Economic Development >> Content Detail

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Readings (PDF)

Part I: Setting the Framework
1Introduction and Course Overview: The Diversity of Urban Neighborhoods
2A Framework for Analyzing Urban NeighborhoodsFerguson, Ronald F. and William T. Stoutland. "Reconceiving the Community Development Field." In Urban Problems and Community Development. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 1999, pp. 33-68.

Keyes, Langley. "Housing Social Capital and Poor Communities." In Social Capital and Poor Communities. Edited by Saegert, et. al. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2001, pp. 136-142, and 155-161.
3Neighborhoods and Community IDownes, A. Neighborhoods and Urban Development. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 1981, ch. 1, 2, 5, and 6.

Halpern, Robert. "Introduction and Conclusions." In Rebuilding the Inner City. New York: Columbia University Press, 1995.

Massey, and Denton. American Apartheid. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1993, ch. 1.
4Neighborhoods and Community IISampson, Robert. "What Community Supplies." In Urban Problems and Community Development. pp. 241-279.

Dionne, E. J. "The Quest for Community (Again)." The American Prospect, no. 10 (1992).

McKnight, John. "Regenerating Community." Social Policy (1987).

Skocpol, Theda. "Civic Dissociation." CommonWealth (2003): 70-77.
5Neighborhood Diversity and the Metropolitan CommunityKennedy, and Leonard. Dealing with Neighborhood Change: A Primer on Gentrification and Policy Choices . Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2001, pp. 1-41.

Bollens, Scott A. "In through the Back Door: Social Equity and Regional Governance." Housing Policy Debate 13, no. 4 (1993).
6Community Development I: Origins and TransformationsYin, Robert K. and Douglas Yates. "Economic Development." In Street Level Governments. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1975, pp. 141-155.

Frieden, Bernard J. and Marshall Kaplan. "Defining the Urban Problem." Chapter 2 in The Politics of Neglect. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1975, pp. 14-34.

O'Connor, Alice. "Evaluating Comprehensive Community Initiatives: A View from History." In New Approaches to Evaluating Community Initiatives, edited by James P. Connell, et al, 23-63. Queenstown, MD: Roundtable on Comprehensive Community Initiatives for Children and Families, Aspen Institute, 1995.
7Community Development II: The Current Scene

Walker, and Weinheimer. Community Development In The 1990s. Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press, 1998, ch. 1 and 5.

Stoecker, Randy. "The CDC Model of Urban Redevelopment: A Critique and Alternative." Journal of Urban Affairs 19, no. 1 (1997): 1-43.

Kubish, Anne. "Comprehensive Community Initiatives: Lessons in Neighborhood Transformation ." Shelterforce no. 85 (1996).

8Community Organizing in the Neighborhood ICastells, Manuel. "Neighborhood Mobilization in San Francisco's Mission District." In The City and the Grassroots. Berkeley: The University of California Press, 1983, pp. 106-137.

Delgado, Gary. Organizing the Movement: The Roots and Growth of ACORN. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp. 13-28, 63-90.

Hertz, Judy. "Organizing for Change: Stories of Success." Paper presented on COMM-ORG. March 2002.
9Community Organizing in the Neighborhood II: The Ricanne Hadrian Initiative in Community Organizing

Guest Speaker: David Greenberg, PhD Candidate DUSP
Materials to be circulated
Part II: Housing and Community Development
10Historic Perspective IMarcuse, P. "Housing in Early City Planning." Journal of Urban History (1980): 153-170.

Friedman, L. Government and Slum Housing. New York: Arno Press, 1968, Prologue, chapter I, and Epilogue.

Sternlieb, and Listokin. "A Review of National Housing Policy." In Housing America's Poor. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1987, ch. 2.
11Historic Perspective IIMarcuse, P. "Housing Policy and the Myth of the Benevolent State." In Critical Perspectives on Housing. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1986, ch. 14.

"To House a Nation: An Overview." In The Report of the President's Commission on Housing. (1982) xvii-xxxv.

Keyes, and DiPasquale. "Housing Policy for the 1990's." Chapter 1 in Building Foundations. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990.

Hartman, and Stone. "A Socialist Housing Alternative for the United States." In Critical Perspectives on Housing. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1986, ch. 29.
12Public Housing and Community DevelopmentBratt, R. "Public Housing: The Controversy and Contribution." Chapter 20 in Critical Perspectives on Housing.

Stegman, Michael. "The Role of Public Housing in a Revitalized National Housing Policy." In Building Foundations. Edited by DePasquale, and Keyes. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990.

Vale, L. "Beyond the Problem Projects Paradigm: Defining and Revitalizing 'Severely Distressed' Public Housing." Housing Policy Debate 4, no. 2 (1993).
13Case Study: HOPE 6 in Boston

Guest Speaker: Deborah Goddard, Director of Development, Urban Edge and Former Director of Development, Boston Housing Authority
Keyes, Langley. "Hope 6 in Orchard Park and Mission Main." (Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT, 2004).

Jacobson, Louis. "High Hopes. " Government Executive 1 July 1999.

National Housing Law Project, et. al. False Hope: A Critical Assessment of HOPE 6 . (June 2002).
14Affordable Rental Housing: Preserving the Stock
15Managing the Housing Stock

Case Study: Managing Subsidized Housing

Guest Speaker: Judy Weber, Private Consultant, Former Director of Management The Community Builders
Stockard, J. H. "A Guide to Comprehensive Property Management." Delft, Netherlands: Delft University Press, 1992, pp. 1-61.

Bratt, et. al. Confronting the Management Challenge. Philadelphia: Temple University Press: pp. 69-142.

Keyes, L. "Organizational Issues." In Strategies and Saints. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Press, 1992. ch. 8.

Briggs, and Mueller. From Neighborhood to Community. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1997, pp. 103-144.
Part III: Economic Development, Work and Jobs
16Community Economic Development: The Issues, the Record and the Debates - Part ITeitz, Michel. "Neighborhood Economics: Local Communities and Regional Markets." Economic Development Quarterly (1989): 111-122.

Wiewel, Wim, et. al. "The Linkage between Regional and Neighborhood Development." Economic Development Quarterly (1989): 94-110.

Bendick, and Egan. "Business Development in the Inner-City: Enterprise with Community Links." Community Development Research Center, February 1991.
17Community Economic Development - Part IILemann, Nicholas. "The Myth of Community Development." New York Times Magazine, January 9, 1994.

Gore, Zdenek, and Sleeper. "Responses to Lemann." Shelterforce (March 1994).

Porter, Michael. "The Competitive Advantage of the Inner City." Harvard Business Review , (May-June 1995).

Porter, and Habiby. "A Window on the New Economy." Inc., Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999.
18Sources of CapitalParzen, and Kieschnick. Credit Where It's Due. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp. 1-66.
19Small Business Development

Guest Speaker: Joe Kresberg, President, Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations
Seidman, Karl. "Boston's Community Business Network (CBN): An Evaluation." Spring 2000 (draft).
20Main Streets

Guest Speaker: Karl Seidman
Seidman, Karl. "Inner City Commercial Revitalization Applying the Main Street Model." Paper submitted to Housing Policy Debate. Summer 2003.
21Welfare, Work and Job Training IHerr, et. al. "Making the Shoe Fit." In Project Match. December 1996, pp. 1-26, and 55-58.

Dressner, et. al. "Next Door: A Concept Paper for Place-based Employment Initiatives." Corporation for Supportive Housing, September 1998.
22Welfare, Work and Job Training II

Guest Speaker: Sarah Griffin, Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation and Independent Consultant
"Bridges to the Future." Second Year Report 2001-2002.

"Workforce Development: An Agenda for Massachusetts' Next Governor." Massachusetts Workforce Alliance, 2003.
Part IV: Beyond Housing and Economic Development
23Crime Security and Community DevelopmentTaub, Richard, et. al. Paths of Neighborhood Change: Race and Crime in Urban America. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, ch. 1 and 8.

Keyes, Langley. "Anti-Crime and Management Research and Demonstration." In Strategies and Saints. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Press, 1999, ch.2.

Thatcher, David. "Ties that Bind? Confronting Value Conflict in Community Policing." DUSP, PhD Thesis. 1999, pp. 90-113.

Meyer, et. al. "Bethel New Life: Safety." In On the Ground with CCI's. Enterprise Foundation, 2000.
24Education and Community DevelopmentFruchter, Norm. "Challenging Failing Schools." Shelterforce (2001).

Jehl, Blank, and McCloud. "Education and Community Building: Connecting Two Worlds." Institute for Educational Leadership, 2001.
25Faith-based Organizations and Community DevelopmentMeares, Tracey L. "Churches, Communities and Crime: A Community-focused Model of Faith-based Initiatives." September 2001. (Draft)

Vidal, Avis. Faith-based Organizations in Community Development. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Press, 2001.

Skocpol, Theda. Religion, Civil Society, and Social Provision in the US. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2000, ch. 1.
26Summing Up, Course Reflections etc.


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