
Community Growth and Land Use Planning >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


Part I: Fundamentals: Land Use Planning, Regulation, and Growth Management
Week 1: Introduction
1Course Introduction
Week 2: Project Introduction and Start-Up
2Community Planning Project Introduced
3Discussion of Client Project - Project Teams Formed
Week 3: Planning for Growth and Zoning Controls
4Land Use Planning and Regulation - An Overview
5Zoning Controls - The Basics
Week 4: Making a Plan: Where to Begin?
6Plan-Making at the Community Level
7Imaging Needham Center and its Streets
Week 5: Growth Management and Growth Rate Controls
8State and Regional Planning Mandates versus Home Rule
9The Growth Management System and Growth Rate Controls: Local and Regional Issues
Week 6: Visioning, Zoning Innovations
11Zoning Innovations

Part II: Emerging Issues, Trends, Methods and Approaches

Week 7: New Urbanism and Transit-Oriented Development
12Neotraditional Planning, New Urbanism
13Transit-Oriented Development
Week 8: Community Design, Placemaking
14Community Design and Alternative Regulatory Approaches What's Applicable to the Needham Project?
15Project Workshop Day
Week 9: Sprawl and Smart Growth
16Sprawl and the Evolution of Suburbia
17Smart Growth

Part III: Other Topics and Techniques

Week 10: Traffic Calming, Linking Land Use and Transportation
18Traffic Calming
19The Mobility Challenge for Planning: Linking Land Use
and Transportation
Week 11: Edge Cities
20Edge Cities

Part IV: Integration and Implementation

Week 12: Using Incentives for Plan Implementation
21Project Workshop Day
22More on Incentive-Based Techniques and Methods to Broaden Housing Affordability
Week 13: Managing Community Character: Emerging Issues and Strategies
23Project Workshop Day
Weeks 14 & 15: Final Project Preparation and Synthesis
24Project Workshop Day
25Project Team Discussions and Final Document Planning
26The Role of Planning and the Planner in Society: Class Wrap-up and Synthesis
27No Class: Submission of Final Plan Reports


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