
Seminar on Deep Engagement >> Content Detail

Study Materials


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The readings for the class are provided in the table below. Selected student responses are also provided. Each response is courtesy of the student named and used with permission.

Student Responses

Hyemin Chung - Response to Hauser and Schellenberg, Week 2 (PDF)
Hyemin Chung - Response to Papert and Resnick, Week 3 (PDF)
Hyemin Chung - Response to Hassenzahl, Week 10 (PDF)

Table for Readings
1Introduction: Cynthia and GloriannaAmazon logo Minsky, Marvin. The Emotion Machine. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, November 7, 2006. ISBN: 9780743276634. [Forthcoming]

For those who are not familiar with Marvin Minsky's Society of Mind you might want to begin by: Singh, Push. "Examining the Society of Mind." Computing and Informatics 22, no. 5 (2003): 521-543.
2Music: Tod MachoverMarc Hauser's recent article on the Neuroscience of Music:
Hauser, Marc, and Josh McDermott. "The Evolution of the Music Faculty: A Comparative Perspective." Nature Neuroscience 6, no. 7 (July 2003): 663-668.

Glenn Schellenberg's brand new article on studying music and IQ improvement (which puts into perspective a lot of recent work and identifies some special features of music):
Schellenberg, E. Glenn. "Music Lessons Enhance IQ." Psychological Science 15, no. 8 (2004): 511-514. (PDF)

NPR Radio Piece
3Learning: Mitch ResnickAmazon logo Papert, Seymour. "Gears of My Childhood." Foreword to the book Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas. New York, NY: Basic Books, 1981. ISBN: 9780465046270.

Resnick, Michael. "Edutainment? No Thanks. I Prefer Playful Learning." Associazione Civita Report on Edutainment. MIT Media Laboratory.

Hard Fun
4Summary and Reflection: Dan ArielyKahneman, D., B. L. Fredrickson, C. A. Schreiber, and D. A. Redelmeier. "When More Pain is Preferred to Less: Adding a Better End." Psychological Science 4, no. 6 (1993): 401-405.

After you read this paper please write down what you believe about this effect, in what cases would find it, and in what cases you would not. Please also indicate what this would mean for designing experiences more generally.

Ariely, Dan, and George Loewenstein. "When Does Duration Matter in Judgment and Decision Making?" Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 129, no. 4 (2000): 508-523.


Ariely, Dan, George Lowenstein, and Daniel Kahneman. Joint Comment on "When Does Duration Matter in Judgment and Decision Making?" Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 129, no. 4 (2000): 524-529 that accompanied it. We will use these to revisit your impression from the first paper.
5Measuring Affect: Roz PicardPicard, Rosalind W., and Jocelyn Scheirer. "The Galvactivator: A Glove that Senses and Communicates Skin Conductivity." MIT Media Lab.

Mota, Selene, and Rosalind W. Picard. "Automated Posture Analysis for Detecting Learner's Interest Level." MIT Media Lab.
6No Class
7Engaging People in an Image that Tells a Story: Paula Silver, Beyond the Box Productions

Sound and Controllers: Joe Paradiso
Laibowitz, M., and J. A. Paradiso. "The UbER-Badge, A Versatile Platform at the Juncture Between Wearable and Social Computing." In Advances in Pervasive Computing. Edited by A. Fersha, H. Hortner, and G. Kostis. Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft, 2004, pp.363-368. ISBN: 3854031769.
8Interactive Class DiscussionACM Interactions

(Go to "current and back issues." Search the "Archive" for Volume XI, No. 5)
9"What would be the Role of Interaction Design for the Deeper Engagement?": Hiroshi IshiiIshii, H., C. Ratti, B. Piper, Y. Wang, A. Biderman, and E. Ben-Joseph. "Bringing Clay and Sand into Digital Design-continuous Tangible User Interfaces." BT Technology Journal 22, no. 4 (October 2004): 287-299.

Ishii, H. "Bottles: A Transparent Interface as a Tribute to Mark Weiser." IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E87-D, no. 6 (June 2004): 1299-1311.
10Interactive Class DiscussionDavenport, Glorianna, Lars Erik Holmquest, and Maureen Thomas, and Future of Fun Workshop Participants. "Fun: A Condition of Creative Research." IEEE Multimedia Magazine, July-September, 1998.
11Computing Culture: Chris Czikszentmihalyi

"How do We Perceive Other People's Identity in Mediated Environments?": Judith Donath
Amazon logo Donath, J. "Identity and Deception in the Virtual Community." In Communities in Cyberspace. Edited by Mark A. Smith and Peter Kollock. London, NY: Routledge, February 10, 1999. ISBN: 9780415191401.

Amazon logo Donath, J. "Being Real." In The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet. Edited by Ken Goldberg. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, October 1, 2001. ISBN: 9780262571548.
12Ambient Intelligence: Pattie Maes
13Interactive Class Discussion
14Final Presentations


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