Professional Profile for Vinicius Rosa

HigherEdSpace Profile

  • Vinicius Rosa




Honors and Awards

2007 Paffenbarger Award, Academy of Dental Materials

2005 Academy of Dental Materials Student Award, Academy of Dental Materials

My Publications

1. Pick B, Rosa V, Miranda Jr W. Could be flowable composites considered as a reliable material for bracket bonding? Journal Contemporary Dental Practice (accepted for publication, 2010).

2. Della Bona A, Barrett A, Rosa V, Pinzetta C. Visual and instrumental agreement in dental shade selection: Three distinct observer populations and shade matching protocols. Dental Materials 25:276-281, 2009.

3. Rosa V, Yoshimura HN. Pinto MM, Fredericci C, Cesar PF. Effect of ion exchange on strength and slow crack growth of a dental porcelain. Dental Materials 25:736-743, 2009.

4. Pinto MM, Cesar PF, Rosa V, Yoshimura HN. Influence of pH on slow crack growth of dental porcelains. Dental Materials 24:814-823, 2008.

5. Rosa V, Della Bona A. Seleção de cor no consultório dentários:das escalas convencionais aos espectrofotômetros [In-office shade matching: from shade guides to spectrophotometers] International Journal of Brazilian Dentistry 3:62-68, 2007.

6. Della Bona A, Rosa V, Cecchetti D. Influence of shade and irradiation time on the hardness of composite resins. Brazilian Dental Journal 18:231-234, 2007.

7. Della Bona A, Pinzetta C; Rosa V. Effect of acid etching of glass ionomer cement surface on the microleakage of sandwich restorations Journal of Applied Oral Science 15:230:234, 2007.

8. Rosa V, Della Bona A, Antonio AJ, Pereira TR, Nadin PS. Prótese Total Imediata: Fundamentos e Clinica [Immediate Complete Dentures: Concepts and Clinic]. Jornal Brasileiro de Clínica Odontológica Integrada 01:01-09, 2006.

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