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  • Why Elite Colleges are becoming a distant dream for many Students?
  • Posted By:
  • Kathy H
  • Posted On:
  • 26-Nov-2012
  • For potential students, the effort of shortlisting different colleges is certainly a task in itself. When an individual passes out of high school, he/she is looking forward to get enrolled in a college/university for higher education.

    More often than not, a student should probably take into consideration aspects like reputation of the college and its faculty as well as the quality of education. Unfortunately, these aspects have become more secondary in the current scenario. The first thing that student and his/her family have to look into is the tuition fee charged by the college.

    The situation is sort of bizarre across the nation at the moment, especially when we talk about elite colleges that obviously charge a bit more as compared to other colleges. Elite colleges have a massive reputation and hence they want to make sure they hold onto it, no matter what. These institutions also offer some of the best educational facilities and hence their cost of functioning is a lot more as compared to moderate or average colleges.

    The problem our country is facing at the moment is that only students falling into the ‘rich’ category seem to be able to afford elite colleges. Hence, the number of enrollments has gone down drastically in the last couple of years. Many students are not able to even think of being a part of these colleges, courtesy the kind of tuition fee they are charging.

    Unfortunately, this is turning into a rather sad scenario as students with outstanding potential are missing the opportunity to be a part of such amazing educational institutes only because they do not have enough money.

    On the other hand, there are students who are willing to take the risk of opting for an educational loan and getting into elite universities. However, the number of such students is less. It has also been observed that these students are under constant pressure and stress to perform well at colleges, mainly because they have a huge financial burden on their head which they will only be able to clear off if they perform well and get a good job.

    The only option probably available to some of the students is to get into these colleges with the help of scholarships. However, you have to be right up there as a student if you want to grab one of those scholarships that are on offer. Hence, the current situation does not seem to be heading in the right direction.

    On one side, we have an economy which is not stable and on the other side, we have colleges and universities that seem to be charging a bomb literally for students to enroll. Invariably, the higher education administration will have to come up with a win-win scenario if things have to be improved.
    With the Obama administration elected for the second time in succession, one can only hope that things would be improving from now on as far as higher education in our country is concerned.


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